I am a software developer with 9+ years of experience working on various core technology like (MERN Stack development, Fullstack Web development using Django, Android Application Development and many more). Also have experience working with modern cloud-based technologies like Kubernetes, Docker, NGINX, GitHub Actions & Gitlab CI/CD. And also, my knowledge and passion for security have been over the last four years. In the past, I have worked in the web security field, found vulnerabilities in the microservices platform in big tech companies, developed Python web security tools to identify and gather information, and have extensive experience in the target's reconnaissance phase and reverse engineering. And besides, I am an active open-source contributor on my GitHub to share my work with the community. GitHub:- https://github.com/anshumanpattnaik

Anshuman Pattnaik

Python | Application Security | Web Security | Cybersecurity | Software Development